domingo, 8 de febrero de 2009

Sleep Lesson.

Hi, my name is Juan Miguel Aguilar, I study English at the CELEX. In our last class, the teacher asked us to write down our sleeping habits and and our sleeping problems.

So, let's talk about my sleeping habits, I don't have a steady time to go to bed, but always I look for having at least six hours of good sleep. Before I go to bed I take a shower, put my socks on even if it's cold or hot, it doesn't matter, and then I crawl into my bed. So that's it, those are my sleeping habits.

Now, sleeping problems..uhm.. I don't thin I have any, but my mom once told me that when I was a child I used to be a sleepwalker, I don't know if that's true, in fact, how I'm supposed to know if I was sleeping ha ha.

So, I think I'm done with my homework about the sleeping habits and sleeping problem.
Stay tuned for more stories.
Juan M.

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